United Air Express (U.A.E) is India’s Leading Industrial, Mining and Infrastructure development company.
U.A.E excels in Complete Mining Operations, Slag Management Service, Scrap Handling and Processing, Bulk Material Handling, Crushing and Screening
of all types of Minerals, In-Plant Logistics, Enrichment of minerals and metals by Scrubbing and TumblingPlants, Blast Furnace Operation andMaintenance,
Mechanized Cleaning and hiring of all kinds of standard and special Industrial and Construction equipments.

Before: Challenges and Opportunities
Manual processing is leading to inconsistencies and lack of control/visibility
Better control on servicing customers
Ability to track operational cost and gain control on costs

Why SAP solution and Partner’s Solution
- SAP S/4 HANA integrates all the business processes within the organization and enables seamless flow of information.
- Lot of manual processes are automated thus bringing in transparency, visibility and consistency across the organization.
- Wide usage of SAP application also helps free up time to focus on core business and thus helping business to grow.

After: Value-Driven Results
- Our solution helps company profitability on a real- time basis and control operations
- With key information automatically fetched from other processes, finance has witnessed a decrease in the operational cost
- Solution has enabled management to take informed decisions across departments
- The solution also eliminated manual errors
Start Your Digital Transformation Journey.
Our state-of-the-art SAP services and solutions are tailored for small and medium businesses, enabling them to enhance productivity by optimizing their business processes.
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What Our Valued Customers Have to Say

“Ikyam Solutions are professionals with great knowledge on SAP Business One, able to quickly deliver solutions within agreed timelines.”